Monday 7 November 2011

Oh for the Love of Books {25}

Finally got some new books this week at some wonderful prices too! Visited an awesome bookshop where they have new releases at discounted prices and then a whole floor upstairs of bargain books - new releases and old - at even better prices! So here are the one I picked up:
Walk the Blue Fields by Claire Keegan
Roses by Leila Meacham

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson


  1. I want The Name of The Star so very very bad!! I hope you enjoy it, it sounds so good. Thanks for sharing and Happy Reading.

    My In My Mailbox

  2. Name of the Star looks great! Congrats on finding such a great bookstore. New follower! Here's my IMM: Mom Reads My Books

  3. I also really want the name of the star!

    MY IMM

  4. You got it!
    I'm excited to see what you think.. I just finished tonight. I will keep my thoughts to myself until you read it (and beware review on blog lol), then we shall discuss like the good ol' Montreal days =).

  5. I like the UK cover so much better than the American One to The Name of The Star. Great selection of books. Great books.

  6. Oh nice. Name of the Star is really fun I hope you like it!

    Xpresso Reads
