Sunday, 19 February 2012

Oh for the Love of Books {34}

I'm so excited about the books I got this week!

ARC copies of the next two books in Amanda Stevens's Graveyard Queen series. 
I read her first book in the series The Restorer last summer and adored it!
read my review here

 The Kingdom (book 2) by Amanda Stevens
to be released: March 27th, 2012
The Prophet (book 3) by Amanda Stevens
to be released: April 24th, 2012

If you haven't yet read the first book I seriously recommend you go out and get your hands on a copy - like now! The book is chilling, haunting, romantic and heart-wrenching written with beautiful prose. 
Loved every minute I spent with book 1. 

What's in your mailbox this week?

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